Thursday, March 09, 2017

Consumption and Saving (2/23/17)

  • Disposable Income (DI)
- Income after taxes or net income
- DI = Gross Income - Taxes

2 Choices
  • With disposable income, households can either:
- Consume (spend money on goods & services)
- Save (not spend money on goods & services)


  • Household spending
  • The amount to consume is constrained by:
- The amount of disposable income
- The propensity to save
  • Do households consume if DI = 0
- Autonomous consumption
- Dissaving
  • APC = C / DI = % DI that is spent

  • Household NOT spending
  • The ability to save is constrained by:
- The amount of disposable income
- The propensity to consume
  • Do households save if DI = 0
- NO
  • APS = S / DI = % DI that is not spent
  • ·         APC + APS = 1
  • ·         1  –  APS = APS
  • ·         1  – APS = APC
  • ·         APC > 1 .: Dissaving
  • ·          - APS.: Dissaving


  • ·         Marginal Propensity to Consume
- C / DI
- % of every extra dollar earned that is spent

  • ·         Marginal Propensity to Save
- S / DI
- % of every extra dollar earned that is saved
  • ·         MPC + MPS = 1
  • ·         1 – MPC = MPS
  • ·         1 – MPS = MPC

Determinants of C & S 

  • Wealth
  • Expectation
  • Household Debt
  • Taxes

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